Quality Assurance Policy
We monitor our work regularly to ensure that our Quality objectives are met and all safety requirement are met.
LEXOIL have prepared a Quality Manual which includes documented procedures and contains policies with regard to Quality.
All personnel are required to adhere to the documented procedures referred to in the Quality Manual. It is by encouraging all personnel to strive for excellence in their professional duties that an efficient, effective and economical service that meets our Client’s needs will be achieved.
All personnel will be trained and educated to fully understand the requirements of their job and put Quality first in their approach to their task. All personnel and Clients are encouraged to make suggestions that will improve our levels of Quality.
We maintain the culture and climate in which efficiency, innovation and Quality performance are encouraged and fostered.
We organise and manage our activities to meet our Client’s requirements first time. The Practice operates to the objectives of ISO standard 9001. Suppliers of goods and services are encouraged to operate similar systems. We require defect-free materials and services from our suppliers.
These are continuously improved by conformance checks: on day-to-day standards and procedures (controls); on the management system (correction); and, through modifications to the management system (improvement).